What it's all about

Imagining the future

A change management project born out of our relationship art methods tested in social and corporate settings.

how it works

A comparison to recognize each other as a community

Cu'N'Fu was born out of Effetto Larsen's experience in participatory processes. The methodology is based on elements drawn from our artistic formats, each linked to a dimension of time: past, present and future. We help generate a moment of confrontation useful for individuals to become a community and for institutions, corporate executives, and top management of organizations to return among people and represent them. We provide teams with a useful tool to understand where they come from, where they are now, and where they want to go.

The goals

The path between
the past, present and future of the organization

Sharing present and future visions of the organization

Promoting exchanges and bringing out the different points of view of the participants

Orienting the group at a time of strong change in relation to shared desires and goals

Providing tools to identify priorities within action plans

Creating constructive dialogue between different generations and functions in the organization

The formats


Tracce is a format that lends itself to people's involvement in information gathering: it takes the form of an immersive questionnaire, where even the body and its location become part of the answer to the questions. The activity space is set up with simple materials, allowing participants to leave marks, ideas, thoughts, and take time to reflect and share collaboratively.

Sharing knowledge and expertise

It gathers knowledge and expertise by making it available and accessible to the whole group

Points of view

It allows for tangible observation of different points of view regarding the same issue and those of the individual with respect to the organization, in a nonjudgmental and purposeful way

Immersive questionnaire

The immersive questionnaire allows people to express and experience in a concrete way their position regarding a topic of general interest

Tangible information

Information becomes tangible and creates possibilities for comparison scenarios

The formats

The Fair of Others

The Fair of Others is a path of experiential activities to train in the effort of inclusion, to try to shift the boundary of our “we". Creating harmony among people, making decisions, and respecting diversity are extremely complex processes, and for them to work it is necessary to gather different points of view and be able to use them effectively. Managing diversity also requires emotional competencies: our path enables people to put their own point of view in relation to that of others, and to develop the soft skills needed to manage the ensuing complexity.

Using play as a dimension for reflection

It allows diversity issues to be addressed creatively and constructively

Exposing ourselves in a protected context

It allows for exposure to viewpoints that are different from one's own within a protected context, stimulating discussion

Knowing one's biases to overcome them

It allows people to overcome generational, role, and function barriers by developing awareness with respect to their stereotypes

Cultivating effective listening and emotional intelligence

It allows for the development of listening and emotional skills, sharing difficulties in understanding others' ideas and views

The formats

Pop-Up Civilisation

As Tolstoy teaches, "people's character is never so clearly revealed as in play”. We use this format as a discussion and facilitation tool for meetings, assemblies and for groups assessment. Each session is unique and customized. The playful dimension is developed based on our experience in the performing arts: the point is to enable participation across the board, shifting the focus from winning to making the game interesting for everyone.

Facilitating decision-making processes

It stimulates dialogue through metaphor

Communicating better by integrating points of view

It stimulates communication between colleagues, helping them to understand and be understood, and allows them to manage moments of disagreement without affecting team efficiency

Getting out of our own habits

It encourages lateral thinking to unhinge old habits in discussions

SWOT Analysis

It allows the identification of: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a specific issue

Case Study

Cu'N'Fu in Turin

The project we developed for the Mirafiori community.


To analyze the socio-cultural transformation on the Turin neighborhood of Mirafiori with the aim of developing a new method of investigation and involvement of citizens in regards to decision-making processes and the development of community wellness.


Mirafiori is a key area of the city of Turin that has experienced deep social, demographic and economic transformations over the last 30 years. Today it's a place of interesting research on how the relationship between citizens and local institutions and the sense of representativeness towards public decision-makers have changed.


A social innovation project that was formed first starting from our participatory arts methods developed from performance art. A 18-month process that involved people of all ages and culminated in the development of a toolkit, which would be available to different cultural, social, and political actors and is easily replicable for different contexts with the aim of decreasing the distance that often exists between decision makers and the community.

Cu’N’Fu is a copyrighted artistic project.

Effetto Larsen reserves all legal rights to protect intellectual property and prosecute any copyright infringement.

Want to bring it to your business or community? Contact us!